Extraordinary Healing, Life Transformations, Profound Experiences
All Benefit is Due to Divine LOVE. Laurie is Simply a Conduit.
“The first session changed my life. It had stalled. It was an amazing experience, to watch the dam of my negative thinking collapse and the anger from incalculable hurts being released. Working with you continues to be a joyous and enlightening experience for me. You truly have been my guide and mentor out of my 'dark night of the soul'. With your sincere kindness, caring and compassion, your sense of humor and encouragement, you have helped me find my real Self. My life is moving again. I am lighter both physically and metaphysically.”
- SB, Gaithersburg, MD
“Your work with my dear wife has pulled her out of a place I did not know she was visiting. My own sessions with you are so relaxing and illuminating. I am already incorporating new thoughts and new ways to validate what I do. Thank You Very Much!”
- TS, West Lynn, OR
“Your constant validation of my true self has allowed me to find myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me back to myself. I feel reconnected to my soul self and it feels so good! ”
- CS, Los Angeles, CA.
“Our 19 year old daughter had a spiritual experience when you shook her hand. She said she immediately saw White and Gold Light surrounding your head. She told us that you are an amazingly spiritual person!”
- KJ and CJ, Portland, OR
“I want to acknowledge you and thank you for your immense generosity of spirit, your loving presence that overflows with kindness, inspiration and wisdom. I am deeply moved by your peaceful energy that exudes a resonance of Divine Love flowing from every fiber of your Being. Your willingness to give completely of yourself in the moment was a profound experience for me. 'Who is she'?...I thought...'How does she do that?'...'What moves her to do that?' Your giving is so effortless, so elegant, so joyful, so energetically potent. I acknowledge you as one who is a Master of Love in this world, as one who is in this world to raise the vibration, the frequency of Divine Love and the expansion of all Life to it's fullest expression. It is a great joy to have found you.”
- KS, Ashland, OR
“I am very grateful for the help you gave to my 16 year old daughter over the past few months. The situation had become highly volatile. My daughter is now able to express her love and concern for me. This is a tremendous improvement. You are so gifted with adolescents.”
- SK, Columbia, MD
Portland, Oregon